Mouvance Centrale Beweging, M-C-B :
We need to grant more value to labour, daily work, by restoring its dignity as an absolute value of well-being.
Mouvance Centrale Beweging, M-C-B :
Where are the borders of globalization ? What do we want to do with the future… grow or diminish the hate between the North and the South (rich/poor countries) ?
Mouvance Centrale Beweging, M-C-B :
Obsolete, who is in power?, the entire population should dispose the values of its contribution, we strive to put these values back in place.
Tax system
Mouvance Centrale Beweging, M-C-B :
Eventually we would like to return the dividends on the added value as close as possible to the latest seller.
Social Affairs
Mouvance Centrale Beweging, M-C-B :
- Equity in health care, education, citizenship…
- During the next 10 years, establish a fair minimal universal allowance.
Mouvance Centrale Beweging, M-C-B :
Education is the future of our society. Development of free eductaion, equality, citizenship, …, without any educational restrictions (all sorts of quota’s need to disappear, etc.)
Mouvance Centrale Beweging, M-C-B :
Transition from a dogmatic state of affairs towards a civilian and constitutional state…
with :
- globalisation of the rights to freedom,
- A perfectly directed evolution to remove all exisiting prison and detention systems and replace them by more efficient and modern systems, resulting in :
- abolition of the high costs of the current prison system
- abolition of unnecessary prisons
- which totally don’t comply with a system that is targeting a structured reintegration of the prisonners.
- which currently serve as a school for organised crime.
Mouvance Centrale Beweging, M-C-B :
By implementing solutions for a necessary transition concerning globalisation, it is the ambition to create a mandatory structure for Europe according to the concept of a localised globalisation.
Mouvance Centrale Beweging, M-C-B :
To create an economic network that strives for a planetary and fair balance.
Mouvance Centrale Beweging, M-C-B :
- The environment is undeniably very important!
- A necessary first step is to establish a global charter regarding the consumption of our planet Earth.
The 4th dimension
Mouvance Centrale Beweging, M-C-B :
While all others never question themselves, Mouvance Centrale Beweging, M-C-B builds its movement, the best possible evolution.
Our evolution
Mouvance Centrale Beweging, M-C-B :
To restore the fundamental liberties for and from everyone, a redefinition of the current global order is needed.